If corrections a required for a patient record that you marked as ready for review, it will be returned to you on your Correction Required worklist along with the quality assurance person's notes regarding what changes need to be made — see also Marking a Patient Record Ready for Review and Performing Quality Assurance Reviews. To make these changes to a patient record:

1. Open the — Worklist window either by clicking on the Worklist button in the quick access toolbar or selecting QA-View Patients Needing Correction in the application menu bar.

2. Select the Correction Required tab on that window.

3. Double-click on the patient record you want to correct in the grid on that tab. The patient detail window will open.

4. Make the appropriate corrections to the patient record on the patient detail window. See Viewing/Editing a Patient Record and its associated topics for instructions about how to make specific changes on the window. The QA reviewer's notes on what changes need to be made will appear in a large text box at the bottom of the Correction Required tab when that patient's row is selected in the grid.

5. When you have finished making the appropriate changes to the patient record, mark it ready for review again — see Marking a Patient Record Ready for Review for instructions on how to do this.

If you don't mark the patient ready for review, it will remain in the grid on the Correction Required tab of your — Worklist window regardless of how many changes you have made and saved to the patient record. Marking it ready for review again is how you indicate that you have made all of the requested changes.

6. Click on the Save & Close button to save your changes and close the patient window. The patient detail window will close and the patient record will be removed from the grid on the Correction Required tab of the — Worklist window.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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