In most cases, if there is a medical event type that should no longer be used by a cancer group, the best choice is to simply deactivate it. If a medical event type is deactivated, the event type itself will remain in the database, as will all events of this type previously entered, but it will no longer be presented as an option when selecting a medical event's type so that it cannot be used in the future. If you wish to completely remove the use of a particular medical event from the database, you will first need to delete or change the medical event type of all medical events that refer to the medical event type in question. Then, see Removing a Medical Event Type from the List of Medical Event Types of Interest to a Cancer Group for instructions on how to delete the medical event type from the database. Such action, of course, can be very time consuming and is usually unnecessary.

If you do attempt to remove a medical event type for an event that has actually been used and there are still patient records with that type of medical event, the result will be that the medical event type will remain in the medical event types list but it will be deactivated, making that process actually an alternate method for deactivating a medical event type. See Removing a Medical Event Type from the List of Medical Event Types of Interest to a Cancer Group for instructions.

To mark an event type as inactive in the current cancer group:

Start the Cancer Group Administration utility. See Starting the Cancer Group Administration Utility for instructions on how to do this.

Select the Event Types tab on the CCR Administration window.

Double-click on the event type that you want to make inactive in the Event Types grid on the tab. Show me the Event Types grid. The Add / Edit Event Type window will open displaying the event type's current settings. See The Add / Edit Event Type Window for a description of this window.

Click on the Is Active? checkbox so that it is unchecked (meaning the medical event type is no longer active).

Click the Save button to save your changes. The window will close and the changes will be saved. The event type will no longer show up as an option when selecting the event type for a medical event.

To close the window without making any changes to the event type (including making it inactive), click the Cancel button. . If you have made any changes on the window, a dialog will open asking you to confirm that you want to close the window without saving your changes. Click Yes to continue to close the window or No to return to the Add / Edit Event Type window.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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