In performing a keyword search using the Context Search tool, the tool will only search the text fields of reports from a selected range of dates. The default range of dates only pulls up reports within a couple of days of the medical event. To change the range of dates from which the reports are being pulled:

1. Open the Search ITS Reports window from the appropriate window — see Performing a Text Search of Enterprise Data Warehouse Records Using Keywords Associated with a Medical Event Type or Performing a Text Search of Enterprise Data Warehouse Records Using Keywords Associated with Pathology Reports as appropriate for instructions on how to do this.

2. Click on the Customize button in the upper left part of the window. The Refine Search List window will open.

3. If you wish to include additional reports outside of the previously selected range of dates in the text search, enter a new range of dates that includes these additional reports in the two fields in the Add Additional Reports data group. If you don't want to include additional reports, skip to step 5.

4. Click on the Add button next to these fields. The Reports currently being searched for keywords grid will be updated to include the additional reports from the range of dates entered.

5. If there are any reports in the Reports currently being searched for keywords grid that you do not want to include in the search cohort, select them in that grid. If you do not want to remove any reports from the cohort, skip to step 7.

6. Click on the Remove Selected button. Show me the Remove Selected button. The selected reports will be removed from the Reports currently being searched for keywords grid.

7. Click the Close button. The Refine Search List window will close and the cohort of reports to be used in the Context Search tool will be updated.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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