One of the main sources of information for medical events is the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). This database contains a number of reports and lab test results. Some of this data can be imported automatically — see Importing a Lab Test Result from the EDW Into a Medical Event and a Patient Record at the Same Time and New Data for Existing Cancer Group Patients.

Much of this information, however, is contained in large text fields in the database that cannot be imported through an automatic process. To read through these text reports and distill the information that is needed in the data entry process can be quite time-consuming. CCR has a tool, however, which can help to speed up the process of finding the relevant information for each field in these large text fields.

This tool, the Context Search tool, performs a keyword search in these text fields, based on keywords mined from the setup of the Medical Event Detail window itself. By directing the user to the location of these keywords, the tool helps to find most of the needed information without the user having to read through the entire text of the report.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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