Just as in any Windows-based application, the names of windows appear in the title bar at the top of the window. When you have several windows open on the application desktop, the active window will have the name of the window in white letters on the blue title bar. The title bars of inactive windows on the desktop are gray with light gray letters for the names of the windows. To activate an inactive window, simply click on it.

The patient detail window (labeled Test, Three) is active (notice the blue title bar) while the Patient List window is inactive (notice the gray title bar).

Rather than closing a window, you may avoid cluttering the desktop environment with too many open windows by minimizing it. To minimize the window, click on the minimize button in the right hand corner of the window — it looks like it has a — symbol on it. Show me the minimize button. The window will disappear from the application desktop and will be replaced by a small icon on the desktop, identified by the name of the window as it appeared in the window's title bar. These icons can be moved around the application desktop by clicking-and-dragging them. To bring the window back, simply double-click on that icon. With very rare exceptions, windows can also be moved around the desktop by clicking-and-dragging on each window's title bar.

Many windows also have a close button — it looks like an X — in the upper right corner of the window. Clicking on this button will close the window rather than minimizing it.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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