In order to view/edit the details of a study, including any tasks relating to study enrollment, you must have the proper security permissions relative to the study in question that will allow you to view patient identity information — see Security in CCR and Summary of Permissions Required to Perform Tasks.

To view/edit a study:

1. Make sure that the session purpose you are logged in under is Research/Study for the specific study you want to edit. If you need to change your session purpose, see Changing the Session Purpose for instructions.

If you are logged in under a different session purpose, you will still be able to edit the study if you are a cancer group administrator. However, if you are doing study enrollment, for example, it is still best that you are logged in under the correct session purpose. If you are not a cancer group administrator but you are a study coordinator, you must have the correct session purpose registered in order to access the Study Editor Module. You can see your current session purpose settings in the upper left corner of the application desktop.

When recording your session purpose, if the study does not appear as an option in the Study field after you have selected Research/Study as your session purpose, you need to be assigned to that study. (This is a common problem when a new study has just been added, since even the person who added the study may not be automatically assigned to the study.) For instructions on how to add a user to a study, see Adding a Cancer Group User to a Study. Once you have been assigned to a study, you will be able to set your session purpose to Research/Study for that study.

2. If you are a cancer group administrator, you can access the Edit Study window from the Cancer Group Administration utility. Open the Edit Study window by doing the following: Start the Cancer Group Administration utility. See Starting the Cancer Group Administration Utility for instructions on how to do this. Select the Studies tab on the CCR Administration window.

Double-click on the study you want to view/edit in the Studies grid. The Edit Study window will open displaying the selected study's current settings, enrollment and assigned users.

Once the Edit Study window is open, skip to Step 4.

3. If you have a study coordinator role, open the same Edit Study window referred to above by clicking on the Study Admin button in the Quick Access Toolbar instead of using the Cancer Group Administration utility — see Starting the Study Editor Module. Show me the Study Admin button.

4. Make any necessary changes to the study information on the Edit Study window. For a description of this window and the fields presented, see The Edit Study Window. See also the links at the end of this topic for instructions for performing specific editing tasks on this window.

5. Click the Save button to save your changes. The window will close and the changes will be saved.

To close the window without saving any changes to the study, click the Cancel button.

If you have made any changes, a dialog will open asking you to confirm that you want to close the window without saving your changes. Click Yes to continue to close the window or No to return to the Edit Study window. Any changes to the grids on the window will have already been automatically saved.

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Contact Us

Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee