Throughout the application, information will be presented in a table format. These tables are more accurately referred to as grids. The grids represent data in the same manner as a spreadsheet. Each row represents one record in the database. Each column represents one field in the database. Below are some of the behaviors of a grid:

Adding or deleting rows in a grid

There will be some grids that require you to Click a + or a — button located directly above the grid in order to add or delete rows, respectively. Show me the Add and Delete Row buttons on a grid. In many cases, after you Click the + button, a blank row will appear at the bottom of the grid where you can either type new information or, depending on the field, choose a value from a drop-down menu. You might also encounter grids where the + button will open a pop-up window where you enter the data that will appear on the new grid row. In order to delete a row, you must first select that row by clicking on it, then click on the — button. Often in deleting a grid row, a dialog box will appear asking you to verify that you really want to delete the record before the row will actually be deleted.

Editing records in a grid

Some grids allow you to edit records directly in the grid. Others use a pop-up window. If you Click on a grid row and the entire row becomes highlighted, the record must be edited in a pop-up window. To open the pop-up window, Double-Click on the row. Otherwise, if you can edit the data directly in the grid, you will see your cursor in the cell where you Click.

Changing the width of columns

With most grids you can change the width of each column. To do this, click-and-drag the right side of the column heading for the column you would like to make wider or narrower.


Some grids will have a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom so you can move left and right to view more columns. There may also be a vertical scroll bar on the right side of the grid if there are more rows than can be displayed in the allotted space for the grid.

Sorting by a column

Click a column heading to change the sort order of the records. When you Click a column heading, a red triangle appears at the end of the heading to indicate the original sort order has been changed. The triangle will point up (D) to indicate an ascending sort. Click on the column heading again perform a descending sort. The triangle will then point down (Ñ).

The grid has been sorted in ascending order by Date.

Copying and Pasting a Grid or Rows in a Grid

In the iQ tool, you can select the contents of a grid and copy and paste those contents into another application, such as Excel. To select the entire grid for copying, click the upper left hand corner of the grid (the leftmost cell in the column headers row). Although the grid will not appear to be selected (there are no visual cues), if you hit CTRL-C the contents of the grid will be copied to the operating system clipboard. The key combination CTRL-V can be used to paste those contents into another application such as Excel. To select only certain rows from the grid to copy and paste, click on the row number at the left of the row you want to select — the selected row will be highlighted in blue. Show me a grid with some rows selected. To select a series of rows, select the first row, hold down the SHIFT key and select the last row in the series. To select multiple non-contiguous rows from the grid, hold down the CTRL key and select each of the rows one by one. When you copy the rows to the clipboard (by hitting CTRL-C), the column headers will also be copied to the clipboard and will appear as the top row when you paste the data into a different application.

A grid with three rows selected. The selected rows are shaded in blue.

In most of CCR's grids outside of the iQ tool, you are not permitted to select more than one row at a time, so this functionality will not work.

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