To use the Context Search tool to perform a text search of a patient's EDW reports:

1. Open the Medical Event Detail window for the medical event for which you are performing data entry. See Viewing/Editing a Medical Event for instructions on how to do this.

2. Click on the Context Search button in the lower left corner of the window. Show me this button. The Search ITS Reports window will open.

In performing this keyword search, the tool will only search the text fields of reports from a selected range of dates. The default range of dates only pulls up reports within a couple of days of the medical event. At this point, if you would like to change which reports are included in the cohort of reports being search (including changing the range of dates included), you may do so — see Refining the List of EDW Reports Included in a Text Search.

3. Since a large number of possible keywords can be gleaned from the Medical Event Detail window, if you choose, you can have CCR check all of these potential keywords and remove any of them for which there are no matches in the selected cohort of reports by clicking on the button marked Search all keywords and remove fields with no matches.

4. A dialog window opens informing you that it may take a few seconds for CCR to check all of the keywords. Click Yes to confirm that you still want to continue, then wait until CCR finishes clearing the keywords with no matches. (If the dialog wasn't enough of a hint, this may take a little while.)

5. The remaining keywords will be found as part of a data tree-structured list on the left side of the window. Navigate through the list until you find a useful keyword associated with the field for which you are currently trying to enter data.

6. Click on one of the nodes within the data tree that represent an instance of that keyword within the cohort of reports. The text of the report in which the keyword appears will appear in the large field to the right with the selected instance of the keyword highlighted.

Above: A specific instance of "tissue" within one of the patient's EDW reports.

The list is organized to reflect the structure of the Medical Event Detail window. For a more detailed description of this structure and for instructions on how to navigate through the levels of the data tree, see The Search ITS Reports Window.

7. Read the portion of the report where the keyword appears and — if appropriate — enter the appropriate information in the pertinent field. This should allow you to find the needed information for each specific field without having to browse through the entire text of each report.

If needed, you may also perform a keyword search in a specific report based on your own keywords, not just those generated automatically by CCR. See Performing a Text Search in an EDW Report Using a Keyword That Has Not Been Automatically Generated By CCR for instructions on how to do this.

Repeat steps 5 through 7 as necessary until you have entered all of the information that can be gleaned from the selected reports into the appropriate fields on the Medical Event Detail window.

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