Patients in CCR are linked to their associated records in the EDW. While some of that information is displayed seamlessly as part of the patient record, you can view the EDW records themselves from within the CCR application, including from within one of that patient's Path Report records — see The ITS Enterprise Data Warehouse for more information about the EDW. Records included in the EDW include pathology, lab and radiology reports as well as UUHSC encounter records and other general documents.

To access a patient's EDW records from the Path Report window:

1. Open the Path Report window for the path report record in question. See Viewing/Editing a Pathology Report for instructions on how to do this.

2. Click on the UUHSC Records… button in the lower left corner of the Path Report window. The UUHSC Clinical Records window will open — see The UUHSC Clinical Records Window for a description of this window. Show me the UUHSC Clinical Records window.

You cannot make any changes to EDW records. Access to the EDW via CCR is view only.

To close the UUHSC Clinical Records window when you are done viewing the patient's EDW clinical records, click on the X (close) button in the top right corner of the window.

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