Often a therapy regimen will have a set of default values for the agents used and associated dosages for these agents. These default values can easily be entered instead of needing to actually enter each of the agents and dosage values manually — see Entering the Default Agents for a Specific Therapy Regimen. However, if some of this information has already been entered, you can also reset any agents already entered in the therapy event to these default values.

To reset the therapy agents and dosages of a therapy medical event to match the default values for a selected therapy regimen:

1. Open the Medical Event Detail window for the therapy medical event in question. See Viewing/Editing a Medical Event for instructions on how to do this.

2. Select the Therapy tab.

3. Enter the correct regimen in the Therapy Regimen field (or at least make sure that the correct regimen has already been entered).

4. Click on the Set Defaults For Regimen button above the Therapy Agents grid.

A confirmation dialog will appear making sure that you understand that your previously entered agent and dosage information will be replaced with the default values.

5. Click OK to clear the dialog. The default agent and dosage information will appear in the Therapy Agents grid, replacing any information that was previously entered there.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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