This procedure will typically add a medical event type to be used by your entire cancer group. If this medical event type should only be used by a specific study, select that study in the Study field during step 4 — see Associating a Medical Event Type with a Specific Study. If you would like to allow medical events of this type to be viewed by users from another cancer group (provided the patient also has been added to that cancer group of course), you must first add the medical event type and then edit it to allow the medical event type to be shared — see Sharing a Medical Event Type with Another Cancer Group and Editing a Cancer Group Medical Event Type.

To add a medical event type to the list of medical event types of interest to the current cancer group:

Start the Cancer Group Administration utility. See Starting the Cancer Group Administration Utility for instructions on how to do this.

Select the Event Types tab on the CCR Administration window.

Click on the + button above the Event Types grid on that tab. The Add / Edit Event Type window will open.

Fill in the information about the new medical event type on the Add / Edit Event Type window. For a description of the fields on this window, see The Add / Edit Event Type Window. Click on the Save button to add the medical event type to the cancer group. The Add / Edit Event Type window will close, and the new medical event type will be added to the Event Types grid on the CCR Administration window.

To close the Add / Edit Event Type window without adding a medical event type to the cancer group, click the Cancel button instead of the Save button. If you have made any changes on the window, a dialog will open asking you to confirm that you want to close the window without saving your changes. Click Yes to continue to close the window or No to return to the Add / Edit Event Type window.

As soon as you start entering data on the Add / Edit Event Type window, the text on the Save button will turn bold red, indicating the need to click on the button to save your work.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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