Racial and ethnic information for a patient is located on the Administration tab of the patient detail window. There are actually two fields and a grid on this tab that relate to racial/ethnic information. In accordance with NIH standards, the Race (NIH) grid gives you the ability to be more precise about racial origins because you can specify as many racial backgrounds as apply to the patient. Each of these is listed as a row in the grid. The Ethnicity (NIH) field also allows you to enter non-racial ethnic information, such as if the patient is Hispanic.

The last field is a non-editable field. In this field (UUHSC Race) is displayed any racial or ethnic information that is stored in the EDW. This information is considered less reliable than the more complete racial/ethnic information entered in the Race (NIH) grid and in the Ethnicity (NIH) field by CCR users, but it still may be of use and therefore is made available.

Choose a topic below for instructions dealing with racial information as recorded in the Race (NIH) grid:

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