The following process will add a medical event to a patient record that is not linked to an EDW Encounter. You will still be able link a medical event to an EDW Encounter later on if you choose do so — see Linking a Previously Unlinked Medical Record to an EDW Encounter. For instructions on how to add a medical event to a patient record and link it to the appropriate EDW record at the same time, see Linking an Encounter (Medical Event) from the Enterprise Data Warehouse to a Patient Record, Reviewing a Patient's UUHSC Encounter and Clinical Records for Medical Events to Add to Their CCR Record and New Data for Existing Cancer Group Patients.

To add a medical event to a patient record:

1. Open the patient detail record for the patient in question. See Viewing/Editing a Patient Record for instructions on how to do this.

2. Select the Medical Events tab.

3. Click on the + button above the Medical Events List grid on that tab.

The Add/Link Medical Event window will open. Show me the Add/Link Medical Event window. See The Add/Link Medical Event Window for a description of this window.

4. Select the Event Type and enter the Start Date of the medical event in the appropriate fields in the Step 1 — Enter Event Info data box on the Add/Link Medical Event window.

5. Click on the Add / Link button to save the medical event to the patient record. The Add/Link Medical Event window will close. The new medical event will be added to the patient record, and the Medical Event Detail window for the new medical event will open so that you can enter the details of that event — see Viewing/Editing a Medical Event and The Medical Event Detail Window for instructions on how to go about doing this.

To close the Add/Link Medical Event window without adding a medical event to the patient record, click the Cancel button instead of the Add / Link button.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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