The Quick Search Utility allows you to perform a search for patients that match criteria based on some of the more commonly searched-on fields in the database. If you want to base your search on criteria not represented by the few fields located in the Patient Quick Search area of the CCR Quick Access Toolbar, you will need to perform a more detailed advanced search — see Performing an Advanced Patient Search.

To perform a quick search of the CCR patient database:

Fill in your search criteria in the appropriate fields in the Patient Quick Search area of the CCR Quick Access Toolbar. For a description of the quick search criteria fields, see The Cancer Clinical Research Quick Access Toolbar.

Click on the Search Patients button. The Patient List window will appear with all of the patient records that match your search criteria listed in the results grid.

CCR will return only the records which match ALL of the criteria specified. If no records matching your search criteria are found, the grid on the Patient List window will be blank.

The more information you provide, the more CCR can narrow the search results. For example, if you type Brown in the Last Name field, CCR could return a very long list of records in which it will be very difficult to find the one you want. But if you type Brown in the Last Name field and Charles in the First Name field, the result will be a much shorter list. It will be much easier to spot the patient you need in a list that size.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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