The CCR Patient Review page is designed for use during a clinic visit, giving easy-to-find access to the kind of information a medical provider might need during a clinic visit but also providing for easy data entry into CCR of information that might typically be gathered during a clinic visit. The idea is that this will both improve the quality and efficiency of clinic visits while helping to facilitate the timely entry of relevant information into CCR to better support both clinical and research uses of the database. Among data which could be entered in this fashion are treatment protocols assigned to a patient, diagnoses and staging results. For instructions on how to add a treatment protocol from the regular CCR patient detail window, see Treatment Protocols and Adding a Treatment Protocol to a Patient Record.

To add a treatment protocol to a patient record from the CCR Patient Review page:

1. Open the CCR Patient Review page for the patient in question — see Viewing a Patient's Clinic Visit Patient Review Page for instructions on how to do this.

2. Click on the Add Treatment Protocol button near the top of the page. A simpler version of the Add Treatment Protocol window will open.

3. Select the appropriate protocol in the Treatment Protocol drop-down field on that window.

4. Click on the Save button. The Add Treatment Protocol window will close and the selected protocol will be added to the patient record.

To close the Add Treatment Protocol window without adding a protocol to the patient, click on the Cancel button.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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