The Dictionaries window is used to maintain the various dictionaries that determine the values presented as options in many of CCR's drop-down fields. It opens when select either Edit Dictionaries or Edit Pathology Dictionaries (depending on the kind of dictionary you want to edit) from the Dictionaries menu.

The window's design is quite simple. When it first appears, there is a single field on the window, the Dictionaries drop-down field, which is used to select the dictionary to be edited (and once a dictionary is displayed, can still be used to change which dictionary you are editing).

Once a dictionary is selected in the Dictionaries field, a grid in which the values that have been entered into the currently selected dictionary are displayed appears below it. It is identified in the following format: Dictionary.

If you double-click on a value in a dictionary, the Dictionary Editor window will open allowing you to edit that value — see Changing an Existing Item in a Dictionary. Above the grid and to the right are a pair of buttons which allow you to add or remove items from the selected dictionary — see Adding a New Item to a Dictionary and Deleting an Item from a Dictionary.

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