To edit a therapy agent record:>

Open the Medical Event Detail window for the chemotherapy medical event in question. See Viewing/Editing a Medical Event for instructions on how to do this.>

Select the Therapy tab.>

Double-click on the agent you want to edit in the Therapy Agents grid on that tab.>

The Add / Edit Therapy Agent window will open.>

Make the appropriate changes to the chemotherapy agent data in the fields on the window. See The Add / Edit Therapy Agent Window for a description of this window.>

Click the Save button to save the sequence data. The Add / Edit Therapy Agent window will close and the changes to the therapy agent will be saved.>

To close the Add / Edit Therapy Agent window without saving any changes to the therapy agent data, click the Cancel button instead of the Save button.>

If you have changed any of the data on the window, a dialog will ask you to verify that you want to close the window without saving your work. Show me the dialog. Click Yes to clear the dialog and finish closing the window or No to return to the Add / Edit Therapy Agent window and finish editing the data.>

As soon as you start entering data on the Add / Edit Therapy Agent window, the text on the Save button will turn bold red, indicating the need to click on the button to save your work.>

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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