A good portion of the relevant information in pathology reports in the EDW is found in large text fields. This means that a person trying to enter this information into an HCI Path Report record is required to scan through a great deal of text to find the specific information that applies to the fields on the Path Report window. Although this cannot be entirely avoided, a tool is provided which allows the user to be taken directly to occurrences of keywords within the text fields, with the idea that these keywords should occur where most of the specifically relevant information for data entry purposes can be found and also that this will allow the person doing the data entry to find the information within the text field in an order that more closely reflects the order the fields appear on the Path Report window, since this information may appear in any order at all within the EDW text fields.

The keywords to be used in the text search are automatically derived from the words appearing as field names and drop-down options on the Path Report window. Not only will the exact words that are used on the Path Report window be found within the text fields, but any words that are spelled similarly or share a similar root with the terms appearing on the Path Report window will also be highlighted. You can also perform a search in any of these reports for any additional keywords that you choose (see the end of this process).

To perform a text search of EDW records related to a path report:

1. Open the Path Report window for the path report record in question. See Viewing/Editing a Pathology Report for instructions on how to do this.

2. Click on the UUHSC Context Search… button in the lower left corner of the Path Report window. The Search ITS Reports window will open displaying the results of the text search of the patient's reports in the EDW whose dates fall within one or two days of the path report's Report Date using keywords based on the field names, labels and drop-down options found on the Path Report window — see The Search ITS Reports Window for a description of this window. Show me the Search ITS Reports window.

3. Select a keyword from the Field Keywords data tree by double-clicking on the various folders and fields (representing tabs, grids, data groups and fields from the Path Report window) in the tree to expose the keywords from that window that have matches in the patient's EDW reports for the range of reports included in the search and then double-clicking on the keyword whose results you want to view. A list of the matches or near matches from the EDW report text fields will appear in the data tree beneath the keyword.

Above: 6 instances of the keyword "tissue" were found in two different EDW reports related to the patient. These instances might coincide with information that might need to be entered into the Tissue? field on the Path Report window.

You can change the range of dates from which reports for the patient are being included from the default range or remove specific reports currently being included by clicking on the Customize button at the top of the window and making the adjustments on the Refine Search List window which appears. Show me the Customize button. See Refining the List of EDW Reports Included in a Text Search and The Refine Search List Window for additional information.

To speed up your search, you can have CCR automatically search all of the included reports for all of the keywords and remove those fields for which there are no results from the data tree by clicking on the button beneath the data tree. Show me this button.

4. Click on one of the matches in the list. The text of the report that the match comes from will appear in the large text box to the right of the data tree with the instance of the matched term highlighted. Show me what this looks like.

Above: A specific instance of "tissue" within one of the patient's EDW reports.

5. After you have gleaned what information is available from this instance of the keyword (entering pertinent information on the Path Report window), repeat steps three and four as necessary to check other matches and other keywords until you have found all of the necessary path report information that is available through the data tree.

6. Search for your own additional keywords in a given report by first selecting that report in the Report field above the large text field on the right hand side of the window. Show me the Report field. The large text box will be populated with the text from the selected report.

7. Enter the keyword you wish to search for in the report in the small text field beneath the larger report text field. Show me this text field.

8. Click on the Find button to the right of this text field to find the first instance of the entered text in the report. Show me the Find button.

9. Click on the Find Next and Find Prev buttons as necessary to find additional instances of the text in the report. Show me the Find Next button. Show me the Find Prev button.

10. When you are finished using the text search tool, close the Search ITS Reports window by clicking on the X (close) button in the upper right corner of the window. Show me this button.

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