To perform an advanced search of the CCR patient database:

1. Click on the Advanced Search button in the Common Tasks area of the CCR Quick Access Toolbar. Show me where this button is located. The Advanced Patient Search window will open.

2. Fill in any search criteria on the Advanced Patient Search window. For a description of the fields available for entering criteria on the Advanced Patient Search window, see The Advanced Patient Search Window.

After performing an advanced search, if you go back to perform another search, the criteria from the earlier search will still appear on the Advanced Patient Search window. You can either alter the previous search, or — if you want to start over and enter the search criteria from scratch — click the Clear button to clear the previous search criteria from the window.

3. Click on the Search… button.

The Patient List window will open with the results of your search displayed in the results grid on that window. See The Patient List Window for a description of that window.

CCR will return only the patient records which match ALL of the criteria specified. If no records matching your search criteria are found, the grid on the Patient List window will be blank.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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