At the bottom of the Administration tab of the patient detail window is the Study Consents grid — see also The Administration Tab (Patient Detail Window). If your session purpose is anything other than Research/Study, this grid is merely used to display all of the studies in which the current patient is enrolled. You cannot make any changes to the patient's study enrollment, enter study-specific data or even view additional details about the patient's enrollment in a study beyond that which is displayed in the grid.

Even if your session purpose is Research/Study, you are limited in the kinds of actions you can perform from this grid. When your session purpose is Research/Study, the only study consent that will appear in the grid is the patient's consent for the study for which you have indicated you are currently performing research. You cannot enroll a patient in a study using this grid. That must be done from the Study & Cancer Group Administration module — see Study Enrollment.

You can, however, view more details about the patient's enrollment in the study and edit that patient's enrollment information, including adding additional consents and uploading scanned versions of the patient's consent forms or any other tasks that can also be performed using the Enter/Edit Study Enrollment Data, Consents and Consent Forms window in the Study & Cancer Group Administration module — see Viewing/Editing a Patient's Enrollment in a Study and The Enter/Edit Study Enrollment Data, Consents and Consent Forms Windows. More importantly and probably the main function of this grid is that it gives you access so that you can view, add and edit any study-specific data for this patient that relates to the current study.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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