Your session purpose, your defined security roles relative to CCR in general, within your cancer group and relative to the study in question (if your purpose is Research/Study), and even whether that study has been labelled as a "de-identified" study by the IRB can all impact the access that you are allowed when performing searches or generating reports in CCR. Mostly these elements will impact which records will be included in your search and whether you are able to use certain fields as the basis of criteria in your search. A general summary of those restrictions is included here. For a more detailed explanation of specific security roles and session purposes and the restrictions resulting from them, see Security in CCR.

Your current Cancer Group, Session Purpose and (if applicable) Study are all displayed at the top of the CCR Quick Access Toolbar.

If your session purpose is Research/General, if you checked the De-Identified? checkbox when entering your session purpose, or if you do not have an assigned security role relative to CCR in general, with regard to your cancer group or (if applicable) in the specific study on which you are working that would allow you to view identifying patient information — such as the patient's name or MRN — in the records you are searching, you also cannot use any of those restricted fields as criteria for your searches. Even if you normally have access to identifying patient information for a record, if the study you are working on has been labelled as a "de-identified" study by the IRB, this restriction will be in place for most users.

If your current session purpose and/or user security roles restrict you from viewing identifying data (or from using fields that hold identifying data as the basis of search criteria), this will be indicated in the session information box at the top of the CCR Quick Access Toolbar with the words Data De-Identified in red letters at the bottom of that box beneath the Cancer Group, Session Purpose and Study. The search criteria fields based on identifying data both on the CCR Quick Access Toolbar on the left side of the application desktop and on the Advanced Patient Search window will also be grayed out and deactivated.

Likewise, unless your session purpose is Research/Study, you cannot use any study-specific fields and information as the basis for your search criteria. If it is Research/Study, of course, the scope of your search is limited to those records of patients that have given consent to be a part of the specified study and the study-specific data that you can access and use as search criteria is limited to those associated with that study.

Regardless of your session purpose, your search will always be limited to those patients in the database registered to your cancer group. See Adding a Patient for instructions on how to register a patient to a cancer group. You also will not be able to perform searches using criteria based on cancer group-specific fields and data from other cancer groups besides your own (as such fields will not even be presented to you).

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Contact Us

Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee