Medical event types can be shared with other cancer groups. When a medical event type is shared with another cancer group, medical event records of this type that have been entered by your cancer group can be viewed by users from the specified cancer group, but users from that cancer group will not be able to add or edit events of that type in the patient record. Any cancer group-specific fields that have been added to the medical event type as a result of customization using the Metabuilder tool will also be viewable in shared medical event records.

In order for your shared medical events to actually appear in the patient records of the cancer group you are sharing with, however, once you have indicated that you are willing to share the medical event type using the following process, they must elect to have the shared medical event type displayed in patient records for their cancer group — see Using an Event Type Owned and Shared by Another Cancer Group.

If you are creating a new medical event type, you will need to save the medical event type first before assigning any cancer groups to share with.

To allow medical event records of a specific type to be shared with another cancer group:

1. Open the Add / Edit Event Type window for the medical event type in question.

This window is used both for adding a new medical event type or for editing an existing one, so you can indicate the cancer groups to be shared with either while you are adding a new medical event type or you can edit an existing one — see Adding a Medical Event Type to the List of Medical Event Types of Interest to a Cancer Group or Editing a Cancer Group Medical Event Type for instructions on how to get to the Add / Edit Event Type window in each case.

2. If you are adding a new medical event type that has never been saved before, click the Save button. (You must save a new medical event type before you can share it.) The Add / Edit Event Type window will close as part of the saving process, so you should then reopen the Add / Edit Event Type window by double-clicking on the new event type in the Event Types grid on the CCR-Cancer Group-Administration window. (If you are editing an existing medical event type, you won't need to do this step.)

3. Click on the + button above the Allow Sharing With grid on the Add / Edit Event Type window.The Share Event Type With Other Groups window will open.

4. Select the cancer group that you want to share the medical event type with in the Group(s) to Share With grid on this window. The selected cancer group will be highlighted in yellow.

You can add multiple cancer groups to share with in the grid at the same time by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on each of the cancer groups you want to share with. Each of the selected cancer groups will be highlighted in yellow.

5. Click the Add button to add the selected cancer group to the list of cancer groups that records of this event type will be shared with. The window will close and the newly added cancer group will be appear in the Allow Sharing With grid on the Add / Edit Event Type window.

To close the Share Event Type With Other Groups window without sharing the event type with another cancer group, click the Cancel button.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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