Normally, when you perform a search, the results displayed will represent all of the samples in the database that meet the criteria you have specified. However, some of the criteria you might specify qualify as identifying data — information about a specimen that could be used to identify the specific patient from whom the sample was collected. For example, searching for specimens associated with a specific patient's name or MRN certainly would qualify as searching using identifying data as criteria. When you perform a search using identifying data as criteria, the results will be limited to those samples for which you have permission to view patient identifying data. Other samples in the database may meet the criteria specified, but if they were not collected under a protocol for which you are an administrator or have not been disbursed to a project for which you have been granted the proper permissions to view identifying data the specimens will not appear in the results of your search. As soon as you enter criteria in a field that will restrict the results of your search, a message will appear in red letters on the window informing you of this limitation. If you do not have permission to view identifying data on any specimens, you will still be able to perform the search, but no samples will be found as a result. To ensure that your search results include all of the samples in the database that meet your criteria, do not use any identifying criteria as part of your search. Additionally, the results of any searches performed by users external to HCI Huntsman Cancer Institute will be limited to specimens associated with projects for which the external user has authorization to view those samples. (See Granting a User Permissions Relative to a Protocol or Project for more information about these limitations.)

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee