The 'Find' or 'Filters' section on the iQ tool window looks similar to the display section. The information on this tab is used to control which records will be included in a query report. The 'Display' section grid has three columns. The 'Path' column, similar to the column of the same name on the grid on the find section, points to a specific field within the application's data structure. (See The Application Data Structure.) The value column displays the filter requirement in relation to the corresponding path. The comparison column describes how to filter or use the information in the value column. To edit any of the values in these grid columns, double click on the value and the select query path window will open up allowing you to make the necessary changes.

There are two find options above the grid. When all is selected, it means that the query will only retrieve data that meets every specified row in the find section. For example, in another query the query would only select items that meet both collection date AND tissue site. If any of the following criteria is chosen, it means that the query can select data that meets any of the data specified in the rows of the 'Find' section. For example, in another query it will display results that meet the collection date requirement OR the tissue site. Above the grid is an add button and a remove button for use in adding or removing rows to the Filters grid (see Working with Grids.) The copy page button will allow you to make a copy of a row. If the query requires similar filters make a copy of the filter and make whatever adjustments are necessary in the new row. This saves time from having to enter all of the filtering information from scratch. If any of the fields included on the find section contain restricted information, the records included in the query will be limited to only those records for which the user has the appropriate permissions to access this information. Records which normally might have been included in the query but for which you do not have the necessary permissions will not show up. The words Restricted search — rows excluded from report will also appear in red at the bottom of the IQ results.

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