To make changes to a selection criterion in an iQ query:

  1. Start the iQ tool and log in (if necessary). (See Starting the iQ Tool.)
  2. Select the query you want to remove the selection criterion from in the Your Queries folder. That query's parameters will be displayed in the grid of the Find section. *If the query is in the Queries shared with you folder, it was created someone else and you must first make a copy of it to the Your Queries folder before you can alter it. See Copying and Altering a Preexisting iQ Query for instructions on how to do this.
  3. Locate the Find section.
  4. Double-click on the value in the grid of the Find section that you wish to change. *Whichever field you double-click on will activate the same Select Query Path window. Make the appropriate change in the window. This process is identical to adding a filter and allows you to change any and all of the filter values as if you were adding the filter instead of editing it — see Adding Filters to a Query).
  5. Make the appropriate changes.
  6. When you are done making changes, click OK to save your changes.

If you decide not to make any changes or if you do not wish to save any changes made, click the Cancel button on the Edit Filter window or the X (close) button in the top right corner of the other pop-up windows.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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