To disburse a portion of a specimen from an aliquot group:

  • Open the specimen record.
  • Select the Aliquots/Projects tab.


  • ClickScreen Shot 2015-05-19 at 11.42.37 AMin the last column of the row of the aliquot group being disbursed. The Specimen Disbursement window will open.


  • Enter the appropriate disbursement information on the window.

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 12.50.39 PM

The Sections, Tubes and Containers fields/columns are meant for keeping a record of the disbursement for reporting quantities, etc., but the values entered in these fields specifically will not affect the storage information for any of the aliquots associated with the specimen. For example, if you take part of an aliquot that is normally stored in a particular kind of contain and you record that you disbursed it in a separate similar container, it will not change the fact that the remain portion is still stored in the original container. The only value that will be changed for the storage is the available amount for the affected aliquots. If the entire remaining amount of a particular aliquot is disbursed, that aliquot will no longer show up as being associated with the cell where it had been stored in the database. This frees up that cell for storage of another specimen, since that aliquot is now depleted. If all of the remaining aliquots for a specimen are disbursed, the aliquot group will automatically be marked as depleted. The Disbursing Amt. and Reserve Amt. fields along with the Each, Total and Reset buttons are all intended for convenience in entering disbursement information. However, these fields and buttons only help to input data in the grid that takes up most of the window. The actual values recorded for the disbursement from each of the aliquots will be those that appear in the grid itself when the disbursement is saved. These values can be entered/edited directly in the grid.

  • ClickScreen Shot 2015-05-26 at 12.49.32 PMto save your disbursement. A dialog will open summarizing the amounts included in this disbursement.


Click Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 12.49.37 PM to make a record of shipment for disbursed specimens will be shipped somewhere outside of HCI. A new window will open — see Recording the Shipment of a Disbursed Specimen.

  • Click OK to confirm that the disbursement amounts are correct. The amount disbursed will be deducted from the selected aliquots and the disbursement will be recorded in the project disbursements table.


The recorded disbursement keeps track of specifically which aliquots the amount disbursed was taken from. If, for some reason, you have a need to delete a disbursement, the disbursed amount will be returned to these specific aliquots and will show up again as part of the available amount for those specific aliquots and in the total available amount for the whole aliquot group.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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