The policies listed below play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for everyone using itBioPath. Please also refer to the itBioPath Terms of Service for more information.

HIPAA Requirements

You must have annual HIPAA training to access itBioPath, because you may be exposed to Personal Health Information (PHI). You're also required to keep records of annual HIPAA training.

Clinical Use

itBioPath is a research-only tool and should not be used for clinical use.

Data Use

For itBioPath to be searchable, data must be entered consistently by everyone. Please abide by the following guidelines:

  • Try searching for an existing patient at the time you add specimens.
  • Add as much information as you can.
  • Before adding dictionary items or new configurable windows, contact HCI Research Informatics to make sure what you need doesn't already exist.
  • If you notice data inconsistencies, contact HCI Research Informatics.

Illegal Activity

Keep it legal. Don't use itBioPath to engage in unlawful activities.

Policy Enforcement

Please report any abuse to HCI Research Informatics. HCI may inactivate accounts that are found to be in violation of these policies.

RISR Open Office Hours

Held Virtually 1-2 pm every Thursday.
Must Join via the Teams application (not through a browser).
Click Join Teams Meeting

Contact Us

Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee