The grid in the 'Display' or 'Find' section of the iQ Tool window functions the same as any other grid in the application. (See Working with Grids.) To remove a column from the query, simply delete that row from the list:

  1. Start the iQ tool and log in (if necessary). (See Starting the iQ Tool.)
  2. Select the query you want to remove the column from in the 'Your Queries' folder. That query's parameters will be displayed on the right side of the window. If the query is in the 'Queries Shared with you' folder, it was created by someone else and you must first make a copy of it in the 'Your Queries' folder before you can alter it. See Copying and Altering a Preexisting iQ for instructions on how to do this.
  3. Find the 'Display' section.
  4. Click on the row the lists the field (column) you want to remove from the query in the grid on the 'Display' section tab.
  5. Click on the delete button above the grid.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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