The top section of the selected Query is used to display basic information about the query. Starting from the top left corner of the selected Query on the iQ tool window, the Query Name: field is the name of the query as displayed in the Saved Queries data group. The more descriptive this name can be of what the query does, the better. This will allow you (and other users if you share the query) to easily recognize what the query does at a later time. As long as you are the query's owner, you can change the query's name at any time just by clicking on it.

To the right of the Query Name is a setting for 'Public?'. If the box is empty only you can view the current query. If you click the box, a check will appear inside. This indicates the query is now being shared and will appear for others using iQ tool. The 'Created By:' field shows the name of the person who created the query and controls any alterations that are made to it. If you are the owner, when 'Public?' is checked, any other users can run the query as you have designed it. They may also make a copy of it to alter for their own purposes. They will not be able to alter your query. Only you are able to do so as the owner of the query.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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