To run a preexisting query:

1. Start the iQ tool and log in (if necessary).

2. Select the query you want to run from the Your Queries folder. That query's parameters will be displayed on the right side of the window.

You may run any query that appears in the Queries Shared with you folder. These are queries that have been created by someone else.

1. Click the Run button to run the query. The results of the query will be displayed in the iQ Results window (see The iQ Results Window).

If you run a query that someone else has created that involves restricted data, the results of that query will be affected by your security permissions, not the permissions of the person who created the query.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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HCI Research Executive Committee