Users with Dictionary Editor rights, can edit the details of the box in the upper left corner of the box detail window.

To make these changes:

  • Open the box detail window for the box where the specimen is stored. See Viewing the Contents of a Box in a Freezer.
  • Make the appropriate changes to the box settings in the fields in the upper left corner of the box detail window. Possible changes include changing the name of the box, its creation date, the number of columns or rows of cells within the box or adding a note about the box.


  • Only users with Dictionary Editor permissions can make changes to a box.

  • ClickScreen Shot 2015-05-21 at 3.35.58 PMto save your changes.


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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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HCI Research Executive Committee