Keyword searches of UUMC pathology reports are performed at the patient level. Path reports in the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) are associated with patients, not with specific specimens. The results retrieved are candidate samples from patients that match the criteria. To identify the specific matching samples, you will need to compare the sample collect or consent date to the ITS path report of interest. For instructions on how to perform this kind of search restricting the results to a previously specified set of samples from the database, see Performing a Keyword Search of UUMC Pathology Reports for the Patients Associated with a Specific Set of Specimens.

Each night, a script runs to index the keywords in new UUMC pathology reports so that this search can be performed more rapidly. Any pathology reports added to the database since the last time the indexing script ran will be missed.

To perform a keyword path report search among all of the specimens in the database:

Select Search-Find-Path Search in the application menu bar. The Path Search window will appear.

Fill in the appropriate keyword search terms in the UUMC Pathology Report Search Terms fields on the window.

Select the appropriate radio button whether you wish your search to only find records that contain ALL of the terms entered or if you wish to find any records that contain at least one of these terms.

If you have a specific path report number to search for, enter that number in the Surg Path # field.

Click search


A dialog will appear, reminding you that the results of the search will include all specimens collected from patients with path reports that match the search terms specified, not just the specific specimens whose collection is related to the path report. Click OK to clear the dialog. The results of the search will be displayed in the search pane.

You may clear the search results by selecting Search-Clear Results in the application menu bar.

You may keep your results and run a separate pathology report keyword query which will combine the results of the just completed query with the results of the new query into a single list by clicking on the Keep search results? checkbox in the lower right corner of the List View after running the first query.

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