The Saved Queries list is divided into two kinds of queries: those which you have created yourself — stored in the 'Your Queries' folder — and those which other users have created and have marked for sharing with others — displayed in the 'Queries Shared With You' folder. Each of these folders is expandable and collapsible. There is a ¼ symbol in the small box next to the folder and all of the queries stored in that folder appear in branches below the folder. When it is collapsed, the queries inside the folder are no longer displayed and there is a ¶ symbol in the box next to the folder. To toggle between expanded and collapsed, click on the ¶ or ¼ symbol.

When you click on one of the pre-existing queries (denoted by the document icon next to the query name), the settings for that query are loaded into the right side of the screen. Above this tree are a series of buttons. The add new button is used to create a new query from scratch. The delete button is used to delete a query from your Personal Queries folder. (You cannot delete queries created by others.) The copy button is used to create a copy of a pre-existing query and place it in your Personal Queries folder. This is an especially useful tool, because if you can find a pre-existing query that is similar to the query you ultimately want to run, it is much quicker and easier to make a copy of that query and make the appropriate adjustments than to create an entire query from scratch.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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