Welcome to the Integrative Transdisciplinary Biospecimen and Pathology Annotation Translational Health (itBioPath) application. This application was developed at the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) by Research Informatics Shared Resource (RISR). This application allows the Tissue Resource and Applications Core facility (TRAC) to easily track collected specimen, disbursement and pathology information. In addition, other University Hospital and Huntsman Cancer researchers are able to track information on specimens, independent of TRAC. The tool provides not only consistent data tracking for each specimen, but it allows TRAC to share this information among its supported researchers by providing them with the same tool to use. The security model utilized by the application supports extensive configurability of user access to specimen information, under the control of the protocol administrator.


  • Barcoding— Automatically generates a barcode for labeling stored specimens. Scanned barcodes can be used in searching the database for the appropriate specimen record.
  • Batch Operation Support— Users can add, register, disburse and transform specimens in bulk operations in order to make the data entry workflow more efficient and consistent.
  • Collection and Aliquot Storage— Includes date collected, hospital, preparation type, status, weight/volume, quantity, storage location, and specimen aliases. Storage units are managed via a visual 'StorExplore' feature.
  • Customizable Clinical Reports— Provides user customizable screen formats to fit the researcher's specific needs.
  • Disbursement & Registration Tracking— Includes project disbursed to, weight and quantity. Can track disbursements by weight or volume.
  • Genomic Data Integration— Integration with GNomEx, HCI Research Informatic's software solution that documents, organizes, and tracks microarray and massively parallel DNA sequencing experiments from ordering through analysis.
  • Mobile Applications— Includes support for allowing users to view and update data on the go, while being in the freezer storage areas or hospital surgical suites.
  • Pathology (Synoptic Report) Search— Allows users to search for records that are related to HSC Data Warehouse pathology reports in which specified words (text) appear.
  • Searching— Includes flexible searching on aliases, protocol/project, or tissue type, plus detailed searches by status, collection, and pathology attributes, and more.
  • Specimen Classifications— Allows users to create and use custom specimen classifications and to search the database using these classifications.
  • Survival Calculations— Automatically calculates a patient's survival information (length of time) based on the data available.
  • Transformations & Derivations— Links specimen records to "parent" and "child" specimen records that are related because the "child" specimen is a transformation of or is derived from the "parent" specimen
  • UPDB Integration— Includes automated linkage from specimens to UPDB persons for approved protocols, enabling research cohort identification and preparation for research projects with a familial component.

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Contact Us

Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee