- Welcome
- Introduction
- Publications and presentations
- Signing in
- System requirements
How To
- Logging into GNomEx
- Submitting an experiment request
- Submitting a microarray hybridization request
- Submitting a sample quality request
- Submitting a sequencing request
- Requesting that microarray hybridization or sequencing be performed on samples previously submitted to sample quality testing
- Adding lanes to a previously submitted sequencing request
- Registering an external experiment in GNomEx
- Finding and viewing a summary of an experiment
- Editing an experiment
- Downloading experiment results
- Linking the samples from an experiment to their BST sample
- Viewing analyses
- Downloading analyzed data files
- Viewing a description of the materials and the methods used during processing of a specific kind of experiment
- Performing a search for experiments and analyses meeting a specific type of criteria
- Submitting a work authorization
- How pricing and billing works in GNomEx
- Adding a new price criterion
- Creating a new price sheet
- Creating a new price category
- Modifying an existing price sheet
- Modifying an existing price category
- Modifying an existing charge item
- Preparing and sending out invoices for clients
- Generating general ledger interface data for automatically billing university accounts
- Window, Tab, and Field Descriptions
GNomEx Error Messages and Information Windows
- Are you sure you want to delete all the hybridizations?
- Are you sure you want to delete all of the samples?
- At least one non-empty file must be selected in order for download to proceed.
- Please enter all of the required fields for the hybridization.
- Please enter all required fields for the samples.
- Please enter at least one search criterion.
- Please select a price category.
- Please select a price sheet.
- Remove all hybs currently showing in the list?
- Remove all samples currently showing in the list?
- The number of samples to setup has changed. Do you want to clear out the existing samples?
- The request has not been saved. Are you sure you want to quit?
- The request is now assigned to project.
- The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window.
- Unable to generate GL interface. Cannot find approved folder.
- You are no longer logged on. Please logon again.
- Your changes have not been saved. Are you sure you want to exit?
Working With the List of Samples Submitting for Microarray Hybridization
- Adding a Sample to the List of Samples You Will Be Submitting for Microarray Hybridization
- Adding a sample to the list of samples you will be submitting for microarray hybridization that is similar to another sample already in the list
- Deleting a sample from the list of samples you will be submitting for microarray hybridization
- Deleting all of the samples currently included in the list of samples you will be submitting for microarray hybridization
Working With the List of Hybridizations By Requests
- Adding a hybridization to the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Adding a hybridization to the list of hybridizations you will be requesting that is similar to another hybridization already in the list
- Deleting a hybridization from the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Deleting all of the hybridizations currently included in the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Editing a hybridization from the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Working with the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- The hybs tab (submit microarray hybridization request window)
- The submit microarray hybridization request window
- Submitting a microarray hybridization request
- Microarray hybridization requests
Specialized Role Topics
- Uploading a sample sheet
- Setting/changing the prices of a charge item
- Setting/changing the experiment type(s) associated with a price sheet
- Setting/changing the criteria by which a charge item will be applied to billing for an experiment
- The sample view tab (new experiment module)
- The hyb setup tab (new experiment request module)
- The hyb view tab (new experiment request module)
- The new project window
- The edit project window
- Adding a new project while you are entering a microarray hybridization request
- Editing an existing project while entering a microarray hybridization request
- Adding a new sample characteristic for annotation while submitting a sample hybridization
- Editing an existing sample characteristic for annotation while submitting a sample hybridization
- User Guide
- Experiment orders
- The foundation of GNomEx
- Experiments at a glance
- Submitting a HiSeq or MiSeq experiment order
- ABI Capillary (Sanger) Sequencing
- Checking on experiment progress
- Copy and pasting into samples grid
- Posting outside experiment data
- iScan experiments
- Downloading and uploading your data
- The download files window
- Downloading large data sets
- Downloading chromatograms
- Fast data transfer from the command line
- Troubleshooting guide for downloading
- Launching FDT with Webstart
- Uploading your data
- Annotating your experiment
- Associating experiment files back to the samples
- Sample annotations
- Copy and paste for the samples grid
- Bulk sample sheet import
- Analysis and data tracks
- Create an analysis
- Data tracks
- Disk usage
- Configuring GNomEx
- Context-sensitive help
- Customize the billing account fields
- Dictionaries
- Seq lib protocols and barcode schemes
- Configuring HiSeq rapid mode sequencing options
- Developer Guide
- Installation Guide
- Configuring GNomEx for FDT
- Configuring GNomEx to use LDAP Authentication
- Compiling and Building
- The Database Schema
- GNomEx Open Source
- Developer Documents
- Illumina HiSeq Realtime Info — The Metrix Server
- FAQs
- Demo
Once you have successfully logged into the application (see Logging Into GNomEx), you are presented with the GNomEx application environment. This environment is a web-based window created by your browser. You can resize this window the same as any other window on your computer's own desktop.
Prominently displayed are a series of large buttons which give access to each of GNomEx's most commonly used modules. A description of the functionality of each of these modules is displayed along the bottom. Along the top of the window are a series of smaller buttons (tabs) that give access to these same and additional modules. These smaller buttons will always be available to assist in navigation through the application, regardless of what point you are at in the application itself. The display in the larger area (with the large buttons) will change, depending on what you are currently doing in the application, but as you work, when you click on one of the tabs (small buttons at the top), the data will appear the same as it did the last time you left that part of the application. Which buttons and tabs are actually displayed on your window will depend on your role with regard to GNomEx. Most users will see a limited number of buttons which give access to the most basic of GNomEx's functions such as requesting an experiment or searching GNomEx's repository of previously performed experiments, analyses and protocols.