You can search for experiments, analyses and/or protocols by a wide range of criteria. If you simply want to look up a specific experiment or analysis and you have its number, simply enter that number in the Lookup Experiment or Analysis by # field provided at the top of the application window and click the button next to it. If you want to search for a single, specific keyword, enter that keyword in the Search field — also located at the top of the application window — and click the button to the right of that field.

However, to search by other kinds of criteria, you will need to perform an advanced search. To search for experiments, analyses and/or protocols that meet a specific set of advanced criteria:

Start the Advanced Search module by clicking either on the Perform advanced search button in the Search section of the home page of the application environment on the Advanced search hyperlink at the top of the application window.

The Advanced search module will open.

Enter the appropriate criteria on the search window.

Indicate whether you want to require that items found meet all of the requirements or just at least any one of them using the radio buttons in the lower left corner of the window.

Click the Search button in the lower left corner of the window to initiate the search of the database for experiments and analyses that meet the criteria you have specified.

The results of the search will appear on the Results tab.

You may double-click on any item in the list to see the details of that item (as long as you have appropriate access). You can also view the results in a tree-based structure on the Results (tree) tab that groups the results by item type (experiment, analysis or protocol), the lab that requested the experiment or submitted the analysis, and the type of experiment, analysis or protocol.

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Contact Us

Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee