- Welcome
- Introduction
- Publications and presentations
- Signing in
- System requirements
How To
- Logging into GNomEx
- Submitting an experiment request
- Submitting a microarray hybridization request
- Submitting a sample quality request
- Submitting a sequencing request
- Requesting that microarray hybridization or sequencing be performed on samples previously submitted to sample quality testing
- Adding lanes to a previously submitted sequencing request
- Registering an external experiment in GNomEx
- Finding and viewing a summary of an experiment
- Editing an experiment
- Downloading experiment results
- Linking the samples from an experiment to their BST sample
- Viewing analyses
- Downloading analyzed data files
- Viewing a description of the materials and the methods used during processing of a specific kind of experiment
- Performing a search for experiments and analyses meeting a specific type of criteria
- Submitting a work authorization
- How pricing and billing works in GNomEx
- Adding a new price criterion
- Creating a new price sheet
- Creating a new price category
- Modifying an existing price sheet
- Modifying an existing price category
- Modifying an existing charge item
- Preparing and sending out invoices for clients
- Generating general ledger interface data for automatically billing university accounts
- Window, Tab, and Field Descriptions
GNomEx Error Messages and Information Windows
- Are you sure you want to delete all the hybridizations?
- Are you sure you want to delete all of the samples?
- At least one non-empty file must be selected in order for download to proceed.
- Please enter all of the required fields for the hybridization.
- Please enter all required fields for the samples.
- Please enter at least one search criterion.
- Please select a price category.
- Please select a price sheet.
- Remove all hybs currently showing in the list?
- Remove all samples currently showing in the list?
- The number of samples to setup has changed. Do you want to clear out the existing samples?
- The request has not been saved. Are you sure you want to quit?
- The request is now assigned to project.
- The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window.
- Unable to generate GL interface. Cannot find approved folder.
- You are no longer logged on. Please logon again.
- Your changes have not been saved. Are you sure you want to exit?
Working With the List of Samples Submitting for Microarray Hybridization
- Adding a Sample to the List of Samples You Will Be Submitting for Microarray Hybridization
- Adding a sample to the list of samples you will be submitting for microarray hybridization that is similar to another sample already in the list
- Deleting a sample from the list of samples you will be submitting for microarray hybridization
- Deleting all of the samples currently included in the list of samples you will be submitting for microarray hybridization
Working With the List of Hybridizations By Requests
- Adding a hybridization to the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Adding a hybridization to the list of hybridizations you will be requesting that is similar to another hybridization already in the list
- Deleting a hybridization from the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Deleting all of the hybridizations currently included in the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Editing a hybridization from the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- Working with the list of hybridizations you will be requesting
- The hybs tab (submit microarray hybridization request window)
- The submit microarray hybridization request window
- Submitting a microarray hybridization request
- Microarray hybridization requests
Specialized Role Topics
- Uploading a sample sheet
- Setting/changing the prices of a charge item
- Setting/changing the experiment type(s) associated with a price sheet
- Setting/changing the criteria by which a charge item will be applied to billing for an experiment
- The sample view tab (new experiment module)
- The hyb setup tab (new experiment request module)
- The hyb view tab (new experiment request module)
- The new project window
- The edit project window
- Adding a new project while you are entering a microarray hybridization request
- Editing an existing project while entering a microarray hybridization request
- Adding a new sample characteristic for annotation while submitting a sample hybridization
- Editing an existing sample characteristic for annotation while submitting a sample hybridization
- User Guide
- Experiment orders
- The foundation of GNomEx
- Experiments at a glance
- Submitting a HiSeq or MiSeq experiment order
- ABI Capillary (Sanger) Sequencing
- Checking on experiment progress
- Copy and pasting into samples grid
- Posting outside experiment data
- iScan experiments
- Downloading and uploading your data
- The download files window
- Downloading large data sets
- Downloading chromatograms
- Fast data transfer from the command line
- Troubleshooting guide for downloading
- Launching FDT with Webstart
- Uploading your data
- Annotating your experiment
- Associating experiment files back to the samples
- Sample annotations
- Copy and paste for the samples grid
- Bulk sample sheet import
- Analysis and data tracks
- Create an analysis
- Data tracks
- Disk usage
- Configuring GNomEx
- Context-sensitive help
- Customize the billing account fields
- Dictionaries
- Seq lib protocols and barcode schemes
- Configuring HiSeq rapid mode sequencing options
- Developer Guide
- Installation Guide
- Configuring GNomEx for FDT
- Configuring GNomEx to use LDAP Authentication
- Compiling and Building
- The Database Schema
- GNomEx Open Source
- Developer Documents
- Illumina HiSeq Realtime Info — The Metrix Server
- FAQs
- Demo
This topic has not been written yet. Please contact HCI Informatics if this help topic needs to be a high priority topic for completion.