GNomEx also allows for the uploading of files from experiments and analyses that were performed externally (not at HCI). These experiments, once registered in the GNomEx database and once the files have been uploaded, will appear in the GNomEx repository like any experiment submitted through GNomEx.

To register an external experiment in GNomEx and upload its associated files:

1. Start the Register External Experiment wizard by clicking on the Register External Experiment button in the Experiments section of the home page of the application environment.

The Register External Experiment module will start.

2. Proceed through the registration wizard, entering the appropriate information as if you were submitting the experiment for HCI's Microarray and Genomic Analysis facility to perform. Because the registration process for each type of experiment is so much like submitting an actual request, see Submitting a Microarray Hybridization Request, Submitting a Sample Quality Request or Submitting a Sequencing Request for more specific instructions on how to submit the registration of a specific type of experiment.

The following differences can be found between the tabs for submitting an experiment request and the tabs for registering an external experiment: 1) The Experiment setup tab does not have a dropdown field for a billing account since that does not apply, 2) An estimate of charges will not be provided on the Confirm tab since once again this does not apply. Everything else is identical — even to the point that you are asked, for example, how many samples you will be submitting. Fill out the wizard as if you were going to submit the samples for the experiment to HCI's Microarray and Genomic Analysis facility, even though the experiment was actually performed externally and you technically will not be submitting any samples to HCI at all.

3. When you have entered all of the pertinent information, click on the Submit button on the final tab (Confirm).

A confirmation dialog will appear, indicating that the experiment has been registered in the GNomEx repository.

4. Click OK to clear the confirmation dialog. The upload files window will open automatically so that you can upload the files associated with this experiment and organize them into folders.

5. Click on the Choose files button.

6. A regular open dialog window will appear. Select the file or files that you want to upload associated with this experiment from the location where they are stored and click Open. The selected files will be listed on the window along with the size of each file. The total number of files and total size appear at the bottom of the window.

7. Click on the Upload files button in the lower right corner of the upload window.

The files will be uploaded and the window will switch to the Organize files tab.

8. Drag each file to the appropriate folder among the experiment folders listed to the right so that the files are organized correctly in the experiment.

9. Click on the Save button to save your changes in the file organization.

10. Click on the Close button to close the upload window.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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HCI Research Executive Committee