The Saved Queries window is used to manage queries you have previously created. Using this window, you can run a previously created query, rename a query or load a previously existing query to change or run without any changes. This is also the starting point for creating a new query. The Saved Queries window can be accessed by clicking on Query Management in the top portion of the UPDBL window.


The Saved Queries window is divided roughly in half. The left side of the window contains a list of your previously created queries. These queries are grouped and sorted by the date and time they were created — first grouped by year, then by month and finally by the date — each group represented by a folder icon and labeled appropriately. You may expand or contract the groups in the list of saved queries the same as with any other groups in the application by clicking on the arrows to the left of the folder icon. The actual queries are represented by an icon that looks like a battery with a lightning bolt and the time that query was created followed by the name of the query or a time stamp for unnamed queries in the next column. To select a query, that is the row you should click on.

On the right side of the window are a number of instructions and three buttons. Each of these buttons allows you to Load a selected query for editing or running (see Changing a Previously Created Query and Running a Previously Created Query), Delete a selected query (see Deleting a Previously Created Query) and Start a New Query from scratch (see Creating a New Query). You may also name or rename an existing query by simply clicking on the query's current name or time stamp and typing in the new name of the query (see Renaming a Previously Created Query).

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