These instructions assume that you have an existing query that you wish to run. If you need to create the query before running it. If you have just finished creating the query and are currently on the Aggregation page, start with step 5 below.

To run an existing query:

  1. Click on the Query UPDBL button on the upper right side of the window or click on the Query UPDBL button in the lower right corner of the window. The Saved Queries window open.


  1. Find the query you wish to run in the Saved Queries list and click on it.
  2. Click on the Load button on the right side of the Saved Queries window. The Cohort Builder window will open, listing the criteria for the selected query.


At this point, if you want to make any changes to the query before running it, you can do so.

  1. Click on the button marked Select and Run Aggregation to turn to the Totals window.


  1. Click on the Run Query button beneath the Format Results grid to run the query. The aggregated totals will appear in the bottom portion of the window. It may take a few minutes to run the query.


  1. The query has now been run. You may stop here, or — if you would like to download the results of the query as an Excel file — click on the Download Results button. A dialog will open asking if you want to open or save the resulting Excel file.


  1. Select Save. A dialog will open asking you to select the location where you want to save the results file.


The File Download dialog may appear different depending on which browser you are using. You may also choose to open the file instead of saving it.

  1. Choose a location, save the file and open it in Excel (or another spreadsheet application that can read Excel files) to view the resulting spreadsheet.

After running the query, you can also examine relationships between patients in the selected cohort.

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Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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