This field focuses on an individual and provides a general idea of how many of their relatives are known in UPDB. It provides general information on the number of generations or pedigree depth.

0: Linked to records in UPDB, but there are no familial relationships. Records from sources such as cancer, driver license, and Inpatient records provide little or no information on relatives.

1: Parent-Child relationship only, includes 1-2 parents and a single child. The relationships represented are typically from birth and/or death certificates.

2: Two generation family with usually 4 or more family members. The relationships represented are typically from birth and/or death certificates.

3: Multi generational pedigree with 3 or more relationships. These individuals may have ascending or descending family members and may span 3 or more generations. There are some individuals that are in pedigrees with 12 generations. Individuals with Pedigree Quality of 3 may have many relatives from all UPDB sources: genealogy, birth certificates and death certificates.

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Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

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Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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Aik Choon Tan, PhD

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