- Administration Apps
Clinical/Research Apps
- Cancer Clinical Research (CCR)
- Clinical Trials - OnCore
- Comprehensive Oncology Research Environment (CORE)
- CORE Browser
- CORE Browser FAQs
- Family History Questionnaire
- itBioPath (RETIRED)
- LabVantage
- Metabuilder - BST - (itBioPath)
- Metabuilder - Pathology
- Metabuilder - RSR - (Subject)
- Patient Status Review - CCR
- PayTrac
- REDCap
- Research Subject Registry (RSR)
- Genomics Apps
Grant Application Support Administration
ARTAdmin was developed for HCI Research Administration to facilitate the management of grant submission requests.
Investigators intending on applying for a grant submit information into the application including items such as agency, sponsor deadline, budget type, title of the proposal, and other details related to the proposal. The Pre-Award Grant Management Specialist (GMS) Manager then assigns the request to a Pre-Award GMS who assists the investigator throughout the submission process.
The application allows the Pre-Award GMS to provide updates regarding the status of the proposal to the investigator.
It also allows individuals involved to complete a survey upon submission to provide feedback.