Welcome to Research Subject Registry (RSR). This application is used to track all aspects of the research clinic operation. Participant enrollment, questionnaires, classification, communication, follow-up, sample collection, diagnoses and medical records are all included features of the application. Family information and samples gathered through these clinics are available for use in approved research projects. There are currently sixty research projects and more than 57,000 subjects being managed with RSR. In addition to supporting the cancer related studies discussed above, the tool's design allows it to be used for other diseases such as autoimmune diseases and disorders.


  • Study Level Security— Includes ability for researchers to assign roles to database users for individual studies. in addition, where subjects have consented to multiple studies, they can share (and avoid duplicate data entry) for the following: cancer, genetic test/result, clinical genetic status, medical records and procedures.
  • Searching— Includes quick search, filtered search and cross-study search.
  • Demographics— Includes name, birth death, address/phone, race/ethnicities, height/weight, and identifiers (eg. MRN, UPDB, UCR).
  • Contact Management— Includes event tracking, wizards for initial visits, consents and questionnaires, genetic tests, and samples. Automatic letter generations is provided.
  • Study Management— Includes study enrollment, consents and questionnaires, medical record authorizations, providers and provider roles. Diagnoses- Includes cancers, cancer identifiers and diagnoses.
  • Genetic Tests— Includes genetic tests and results, other tests, and clinical (phenotypic) genetic status.
  • Family Relationships— Includes parents, children, sibling, kindreds, and kindred classifications. Ability to branch to other family member records is provided.
  • Medical Record Management Includes authorizations, medical records, medical record identifiers, and procedures.
  • Cancers and Events are associated with the medical record and samples are associated with the procedures.
  • Samples— Includes samples sample identifies, user defined sample results and branch to the Sample Tracking Database.

Contact Us

Research Informatics Director
Andrew Post, MD, PhD

Research Informatics Associate Director
Shirleen Hewitt, DBA


HCI Senior Director Oversight
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Chair
Aik Choon Tan, PhD

Faculty Advisory Committee Members
HCI Research Executive Committee